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银纳米线 、银纳米粒子 、碳纳米管 、燃料电池各控制系统、太阳能电池导电薄膜等


美高纳米材料有限公司(blue nano,inc)是以纳米材料为先导,拥有自主知识产权和产品制造技术的高科技公司。美高的新型纳米产品可以帮助企业节省原料成本,提高产品性能指标,简化流水线和生产工艺。美高的纳米产品可广泛运用于燃料电池,太阳能电池,锂电池,储油系统导电涂料,led导热散热,集成电路导电封装等多种领域。 公司成立伊始,即致力于运用新型纳米材料相关技术,服务于多种工业新型材料的研制、应用及终产品的生产。我们在中国、美国、比利时和日本均设有分支机构,具有较完备的销售和服务体系,竭诚为广大客户提供及时高效的本地化工业解决方案。 高科技创造美丽新生活。使用纳米技术造福社会是我们公司的宗旨。我们愿为推动社会进步贡献热情、才智与力量。 blue nano is a nanomaterials manufacturer that develops high quality, cost effective and reliable nano-focused industrial solutions in the highest volumes available anywhere. we serve universities, independent research labs and oem manufacturers in a wide variety of sectors ranging from automotive to energy to healthcare. our technology blue nano’s scientists have developed a process to produce higher quantities of nanomaterials at higher qualities than current manufacturing methods. this process is unique to blue nano, and dramatically different and much lower cost than traditional nanomaterials production (which is slow, wasteful, high-cost and capital-intensive). our production capacity we can produce significantly higher quantities of nanomaterials than our closest competitors. in addition, blue nano provides the highest quality nanomaterials available anywhere. our customers blue nano serves oem manufacturers, independent research labs, and universities across the globe. companies from europe, asia and north america are successfully using blue nano's products and technical services to further enhance consumer products.

企业名称: 山东济南美高纳米材料有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 山东/济南 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 银纳米线 、银纳米粒子 、碳纳米管 、燃料电池各控制系统、太阳能电池导电薄膜等